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Tex-Mex Polenta
(Serves 6)

This recipe was inspired by Chef At Home Michael Smith, who visited my kitchen and came up with this dish after rummaging through my fridge and pantry.


  • 2 tbsp. olive or vegetable oil
  • 4 firm sausages, such as chorizo. (I use the Freybe brand, they make a nice Smoked Mexican-style chicken and turkey sausage)
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 red bell pepper, diced
  • 4 cups water or chicken stock
  • 1 cup fine cornmeal
  • 2 tbsp. ground cumin
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 cup grated parmesan or romano cheese
  • ½ cup chopped cilantro
  • salsa for topping

In a large, heavy-bottomed pot, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Slice the sausage into half-inch rounds, and add to the oil. Sauté until the sausages are slightly browned, then add the onion and bell pepper. Stir and fry until the vegetables are softened. Add the water or stock, turn the heat to high and bring to a boil. When it is boiling, slowly stir in the cornmeal, and reduce the heat to a simmer. Continue stirring the cornmeal while adding the cumin, salt and pepper. When the cornmeal is smooth and cooked, stir in the grated cheese and the cilantro. Serve immediately, or spoon into a casserole and chill. The polenta will set, and you can then cut it into squares and re-heat in the oven or microwave. You could even heat some oil in a frypan and lightly crisp the squares on all sides before serving. Top with your favourite salsa.